Irish Ambassador Daniel Mulhall and Irish Consulate General Robert O'Driscoll

After returning from my INCREDIBLE trip to Argentina, I got in touch with Irish Consulate General Robert O-Driscoll, who runs the Irish Consulate in San Francisco, to see if I could do any internship work for him. I chose the Irish Consulate because I would like to learn more about my Irish heritage. Mr. O'Driscoll said yes, AND he invited me up to San Francisco for a day to meet Irish Ambassador Daniel Mulhall and to hear him speak during his visit to the West Coast.

Ambassador Mulhall said some very interesting things about his experience after one year in the United States. He spoke a lot about how proud he is of the turnout he gets wherever he goes. Upon talking with the ambassadors to the U.S. from other countries in the EU, Ambassador Mulhall discovered that most of them have concentrated pockets of support, but Ambassador Mulhall seems to find his all across the country, which he credits to the Irish determination to work hard and integrate into the American lifestyle back in the potato famine. Ambassador Mulhall also talked about how Ireland wants to expand and increase trade with the United States, especially after the UK left the EU.

All in all, this was a terrific way to start of my research, and I am excited to fill you in as I learn more about old and new Ireland.
Left to right: (Dave Walsh (Dad), Ambassador Daniel Mulhall, Alec Walsh (me), Consulate General Robert O'Driscoll)


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