Global Lenses Reflection!

Last week, I went to Sophie Schelifer's capstone project, "Global Lenses." For her project, Sophie reached out to other teenagers from around the globe and asked them to send her pictures that give insight into what life is like where they live. She organized the pictures according to their distance from Los Angeles and attached a short biography from each teenager with the pictures they sent. I was very impressed by how many international kids Sophie connected with, and it was very cool to see the perspective the kids had of their city through only a couple pictures. It's interesting that the things that I always characterize with cities like Paris and Amsterdam are not actually extremely relevant sometimes to the people living there. Sometimes I forget that, just as the Statue of Liberty and the Hollywood sign aren't a big part of my American experience, the Eiffel Tower and the Anne Franke house are not extremely important to these kids' experiences. I am so impressed with Sophie's ability to organize this project, and I want to commend her on a job well done.


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